are absolutists who interpret their scriptures literally, and hold rigidly to
their beliefs. They insist their scriptures alone represent the divine truth
revealed only to their prophet; all other scriptures and prophets are false or
Frawley (in how I became a Hindu)
is a word that is being used very frequently in the media that one can hardly
read a newspaper or a magazine or even watch a news program or a debate which doesn't use the word fundamentalist. With the advent of Narendra Modi of BJP into
national polotics the debate of Hindu fundamentalism has gained momentum. To
determine the question with which the post has started we shall examine what
fundamentalism stands for and whether such characteristics are applicable to a
Hindu by nature.
is an easily distinguishable phenomenon in religions like Christianity and
Islam that have a simple and exclusive pattern to their faith. They generally
insist that there is only One God, who has only one Son or final Prophet, and
only one true scripture, which is literally God's word. They hold that belief
in this One God and his chief representative brings salvation in an eternal
heaven and disbelief causes condemnation to an eternal hell. Muslims daily
chant "there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his (last) prophet."
Most Christians, whether Catholic or Protestant, regard belief in Christ as
one's personal savior as the only true way to salvation.
hold rigidly to their beliefs and insist that since their religion alone is
true, the other religions should not be tolerated, particularly in the lands
where members of their religion are in a majority. Fundamentalists generally
hold to their religion's older social customs and refuse to integrate into the
broader stream of modern society, which recognizes freedom of religious belief.
coming to the phrase coined by media in India and abroad i.e. Hindu Fundamentalism,
using such a term merely assumes that there is Hindu fundamentalism but what is
the basis for it? Are the Hindu beliefs of the same order like those of Christianity
and Islam? Hindus have no monolithic structure of faith or worship with a set
of beliefs and rules for all those who follow Hinduism and which can be turned
into fundamentalism.
fundamentalists consider that Islam is the only true religion, that no true new
faith can be established after Islam and that with the advent of Islam all
previous faiths, even if they were valid up to that time, became outdated.
Christian fundamentalists hold that Christianity alone is true. Even orthodox
people in these traditions may hold these views.
those who speak of Hindu fundamentalism, we must ask the question: What One God
do Hindu fundamentalist groups insist upon as the only true God, and which Gods
are they claiming are false except for Him? If Hindus are not insisting upon
the sole reality of the One Hindu God can they be called fundamentalists like
the Christians and Muslims?
are not of one faith only. They are divided into Shaivites (those who worship Shiva),
Vaishnavas (those who worship Vishnu), Shaktas (those who worship the Goddess),
Ganapatas (those who worship Ganesh), Smartas, and a number of other groups
that are constantly being revised relative to modern preachers around whom new
movements may be founded (like the Swami Narayan movement, the
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda groups, or the followers of Sri Aurobindo). What common
belief can be found in all these groups that constitutes Hindu fundamentalism?
What common Hindu fundamentalist platform does the different sets of Hinduism
share? Is it a Shaivite, Vaishnava, or other type of fundamentalism? How do
such diverse groups maintain their harmony and identity under the Hindu
fundamentalist banner? While one can make a code of belief for Christian or
Islamic fundamentalism, what code of belief applies to Hindu fundamentalism of
all different sets?
Hindus including so-called Hindu fundamentalists insist that there is only one
true faith called Hinduism and that all other faiths are false. Hindus have
many holy books like the Vedas, Agamas, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and so on,
which contain a great variety of teaching and many different points of view,
and no one of these books is required reading for all Hindus. What single holy
book do Hindu fundamentalists hold literally to be the word of God, upon which
they base their behavior? Christian and Islamic fundamentalists flaunt their
holy book and are ever quoting from it to justify their actions. What Hindu
Bible are the Hindu fundamentalists all crying, quoting, and preaching from and
finding justification in?
are usually seeking to return to the social order and customs of some ideal
religious era of a previous age. Fundamentalists often insist upon returning to
some traditional law code like the Islamic Shariah or Biblical model of justice
and humanitarianism. This is evident from the latest happenings in Pakistan
where the fundamentalists are forcing the government to model their laws on
their fundamentalist customs which would set the country in a downward spiral.
What law code are Hindu fundamentalists seeking to reestablish? Which Hindu
groups are agitating for the return of the law code of the Manu Smriti.
and organizations like RSS and political party like BJP are labelled
fundamentalists for wanting to retake a few of their old holy places, like
Ayodhya, of the many thousands destroyed during centuries of foreign
domination. Several Hindu groups are united around this cause. This, however,
is an issue-oriented movement, not the manifestation of a monolithic
fundamentalism. It is a unification of diverse groups to achieve a common end,
not the product of a uniform belief system.
are called fundamentalists for organizing themselves into organizations like
RSS VHP, which are branded as fundamentalists by the media and political leaders whereas
no one calls Muslim organizations or parties politically motivated or
fundamentalists in their approach. There is no conviction or evidence against
the organizations like RSS or a party like BJP in any case whatsoever regarding
all the allegations made by media and their political opponents who wants to
appease Muslims and Christians for their vote bank by making such baseless
allegations and trying to brand them as Hindu fundamentalists.
there any Hindu leader who is a fundamentalist who tried to eliminate all other
beliefs from the land or tried to force Hinduism upon all other religions by
waging a war? Does any of the so called fundamental Hindu organizations and parties
provide for such a model? If there is no such model then on what is the theory
of saffron terror based upon? It is
based upon the illusions of the ruling party and all other moronic parties
whose survival depends on appeasement of Muslims and Christians.
morons themselves the media and all parties like congress and its fellow
moronic parties should be in a better position to understand this that Hindu
fundamentalism is an oxymoron along with their newly created phrase of saffron
terror. Calling a Hindu fundamentalist and associating the color saffron with
terror only makes them look for what they are i.e. morons.
question with which we started can be affirmatively answered after the
discussion that a Hindu by nature cannot be a fundamentalist.